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Steffani Rhea

Steffani Rhea





2800 sessions

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My Services

My Services

My background

Hello! I’m Steffani Rhea. We all have doubts about life and love. Let my talents help you through yours. I am a natural psychic and witch, born in a family full of psychics and mediums. My tarot cards have been my constant guide for 30 years, I consult them before I make any major decision. I have done readings for pay and goodwill since my teens, and my accuracy is something I am proud of. My deep knowledge and love of astrology was learned at my grandmothers knee. When my peers and I were learning math and science, I was also drawing natal charts from home for everyone I was interested in, as a way to get to know them deeply. I have facilitated many relationships based on astrological compatibility, helped many couple with "astrological counseling" to add a new layer of understanding in communication. I think there is a match out there for every single person, and no relationship is impossible! I love LOVE. I want you to experience all the richness life has to offer. I have been married for over 20 years, raised 6 amazing kids. I can help you find love, keep love. From getting a new promotion, to "getting the guy/girl" together we can shape your future as you see it. Tell me anything, I can’t be shocked. You will never be judged. LGBTQ friendly, I love you all.

TIMING...If natural timing comes up in your reading or if I can sense a season I will let you know. I don’t "fish" for timing because it isn’t accurate. You decide where your life goes, and when. Every action you make affects the timing of your life, i.e the butterfly effect.

If you really want to know about your POI better, bring me their big three, sun sign, moon sign and accendant. You can find those on any astrology site. I can get it for you too, but it will take minutes away from your reading. 

My readings generally take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete.  Please prepare accordingly, or you will not have time for a satifactory reading.  Thank you!


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"Never put your faith in a Prince. When you require a miracle, trust in a Witch.”
-Catherynne M. Valente, In the Night Garden


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