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Jessica spiritual healer

Jessica spiritual healer

30 sessions since 2014




My background

Jessica is Clairvoyant (seeing), Clairsentient (feeling), Clair-cognizant (knowing) and Empathic and will use all of these gifts to help you find the right path. Known for her accuracy, integrity and easy reading style, she uses intuition and the Tarot as a tool to higher consciousness to quickly channel into your energy providing details as well as a general timeline for the unfolding of future events. Jessica will bring you out of the darkness. The readings are honest and accurate. And I will give you the advice needed to overcome obstacles and assist you in creating a more favorable outcome. I have a never ending love and compassion for all. A natural born psychic, I am able to connect with my guides and yours to help you with the answers you are looking for. I don’t just give you answers though. I help guide you through how to deal with them also. I do not sugar coat . I tell you what i see good and bad

  Jessica is a 20th generation psychic descending from both Welsh and Romany gypsy roots who would assist her great-grandmother conduct séances in the front parlor. Her family has been predicting future events and providing spiritual healing for centuries. I look into your situation to find the right path for you. So if you are feeling negative, if you have lost control or have low energy or if your job does not fulfill you, talk to me today for advice and for a more positive outlook for the future. Why wait? Together you can find the best path for your own personal happiness on your journey through life and find the steps to make it so. Jessica will not just tell you what is going to happen, she help you move through it so you can get to the other side.

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