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My background

 I am a natural Psychic/Medium who is clairaudient, clairvoyant and clairsentient and considered to be a top rated advisor..  I am also a strong remote viewer and I utilize each ability as Spirit directs me. My Spiritual Self and  strong faith that is based on my Christian background, helps me to give loving messages with a positive, truthful heart.  I believe 100% in the power of God and the Divine Spiritual Helpers He has allowed me to have.

My chats are $2.99 a minute and very thorough.  My email readings are $40.00 and are long and detailed.  I try very hard to do a complete and thorough reading for you that answers the questions you have.

I am so truly grateful and blessed to have these abilites and feel it is my desitiny to use my God given talents to assist others on their own Spiritual journey.  I believe that Love is all that is important in life and true healing comes from understanding the reality that God does exist and is present within us and active within our lives everyday.  

I always seek the truth in the answers I give to you.  I use only my connection to Spirit to answer your questions and serve you as best I can.  I will not just tell you what you want to hear, I will tell you the truth.  

I  live my life by a saying from the Sainted Mother Theresa:  "I can do things you cannot do,  you can do things I cannot do and together we can do great things."  AMEN.

I will never stray from the truth, I am firm in my committment to only giving what Spirit gives to me and in the way they want me to give my message to you.  I am filled with The Light of The Holy Spirit and will always be so.

I offer my  messages with love, an uplifted heart,  filled with gratitude that I have the priviledge to so.

I have had abilities all my life, in my early years I received information through dreams and intuitive feelings, as I grew  I began to see visions that were like movies in my head.  As I  matured  I came to understand that I was actually a medium and not just psychic  I also learned that I was a powerful healer and became a Reiki/Spiritual Master Teacher.   I always work within the Light of God.  I do not work with lower energies, this is not my calling.  My work is with The Divine..  

I also do work to help the families of missing and homicide victims.  Doing my best to provide whatever information Spirit gives me to help find the truth and provide as much healing, love and answers as I can and am blessed to do so.

May you be blessed with Love, Faith, Hope and Healing every day of your life.  AMEN.


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