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Clairvoyance, Mediumship, Channeling, Your Angels and Spirit Guides have guided you to me.
"ACCURATE, Honest, Authentic, Destiny, Life & Love Readings
Anna provided private readings in person and over the phone for nearly 20 years now.
Since 1990, she's proved her skills work just as easily long distance as they do in person,
performing accurate phone readings that are as effective as her one-on-one private readings.
Becoming in perfect tune with the energies through the phone is a talent that gives her much pride.
By her tallies, she's counseled over 3,000 clients over the years and the numbers continue to climb!
She's also read for many celebrities on a confidential basis, always respecting a client's request for privacy.
On her radio show, she's conducted live readings with well known people and groups in the paranormal field,
and as a Medium, she uses her gifts to bring comfort for those going through the grieving process. In 2004,
she was selected for a documentary detailing her incredible life, focusing on how she's helped others succeed.
One of the producers was Emmy Award winner, Mike Robles, colleague to the famous George Lopez.
Spirit willing, she expects to complete this project sometime this year.
Always keeping busy, she's spoken at conferences and has accepted many
speaking engagements throughout the United States and Mexico.
In future, she looks forward to making a special guest appearance in the lives of her clients,
all of whom will assuredly benefit from her amazing talents.
Come and get a true session with Love Psychic and Psychic Teacher!
Why should you settle for less? She is in a loving relationship let her show you how to obtain and heal your relationships now!
Disclaimer:" My advice is not warranted I don't give medical diagnosis and I don't give advice on breaking the Law. Use you own Judgment on your life decisions. Readings are meant for guidance involved your situations you are asking about there is a window of anywhere from 98.9 % accuracy rate on future occurances.You destiny truly does lie within you.
Love and Light....
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If you can hear your own voice, then your microphone is configured for voice call correctly.
If you can see yourself and hear your own voice, then your camera and microphone are configured for video call correctly.