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Mama Roberts

Mama Roberts

27,018 sessions since 2017




My background

I am a 4th genration naturally born psychic and have over 30 years experience. I have done home readings and worked for two other websites with the result of being a top advsor/expert. I don't use tools. I only need your questions not D.O.B. or other information many ask for. I interpret dreams and am an empath, claraudiant, clarvoyant, and clarscentient. If I become quiet it is because I am hearing or seeing something spirit is showing or telling me for you. I do not give general readings and will not engage in 'test the psychic games' It is my greatest wish to bless as many people as I can before I leave this world. When you come to me for a private chat you are agreeing that you are 18 years of age or older and that services agreed to are subject to your own interpretaton or preceptions.

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