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Manna Psychic

50 sessions since 2014




My background

There is one common thing in all of us: everyone wants to be happy, everyone wants to feel fine, safe, we all want to be strong and healthy.

I am an extra-sensitive and intuitive person, which has not always been easy to handle. Often in the past I felt that knowing too much can be thrilling and tiring – unless we learn how not to pay attention on everything that we feel, sense and know.

I have been working as a Life Coach, Psychic, Tarot and Intuitive Reader for fifteen years by now, and I have helped thousands of people in my practice – in person and from a distance. I have dedicated my Life to teach people and share with them what I know.

I am keen on the Tantric approach of sexuality – my Ars Poetica is that intimacy is a key for a higher understanding of Life, and we can fully live it if we find our True Self and we become self-identical.

I can help you in:

  • relationship questions (finding love, release, break-up, divorce, marriage, same gender love and whatever you feel you need help in)

  • family issues

  • dependence and obsession problems (any kind, drug, alcohol, emotional dependence), their causes and results

  • life-changes, turning points & milestones

  • getting out of the ties of Karmic bonds

  • depression and self-esteem problems (their root and solution how to let them go)

  • Chakra cleansing, energy healing, mental, physical and emotional wellbeing issues

  • teaching you how to meditate and contemplate in a highly effective way

  • teaching Tantra and a healthy approach of sexuality and intimacy

  • teaching you how to call in your True Love and how to explore a miraculous sexual life

Pain is inevitable – it is through pain that we can develop the most, and basically, this is why we are here: to experience pain, as well as joy, tastes, sounds, feelings, difficulties, release, suffering – but once we recognize the importance of the Here & Now, we can really do something good for ourselves! Peace & Love to you, Erica Manna

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