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Psychic Awareness

Psychic Awareness

13 sessions since 2016




My background

Psychic Awareness is a 6th generation Psychic and Medium who began having experiences with prophetic dreams at age 17 psychic rafhaell guides you in marriage, love, relationships and divorce. He advises you in your career path as well Lastly, I share my training as a certified life coach to help you integrate this information with your emotions, your memories, your questions, and your own intuition.I believe this moment of feeling as if you’re in unknown vastness is really the most held, loved and safe place there is – because it is your very own soul asking for your attention. I’m here to help you go home to your Truth. Until recently almost all of my readings have been face to face


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If you can hear your own voice, then your microphone is configured for voice call correctly.

If you can see yourself and hear your own voice, then your camera and microphone are configured for video call correctly.