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Psychics lovers

Psychics lovers

235 sessions since 2016




My background

I have been offering Psychic Readings for well over twenty years. My first reading was at the age of twelve where I told someone about a train that they had to avoid in order to prevent death. He did and that train derailed that very day. From that point on I have been building my abilities and sharpening them to razor point. They are that sharp.

As a trained counselor and devotee of Hinduism, in the past 20 years I have been working with my clients to help them in many areas of spirituality and enlightenment. I empower them to make the best choices for themselves

I am a seer, a spiritual healer, and an energy reader. I literally sense the energy that is around you and those you care about. My guide then shares information with me about you and them.

My readings are subtle but powerful. You will be left feeling healed, enlightened, and uplifted with new choices for your life.

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