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T Jay

T Jay





47 sessions

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My Services

My Services

My background

Hi, I’m T Jay, and I am an honest but friendly natural psychic, card reader & law of attraction coach. I have been reading for over 10 years, and my preferred areas of focus during my readings are love and relationships, insight into your, or other people’s, emotions, and readings for the future.

When you come through to me for the first time, if you are nervous, I will spend some time reassuring you that the psychic world is not scary, that it is in fact a fun and insightful world to take part in. If you would like, I can then explain who I am and how I work, then I will ask if there is any particular area that you would like me to look into, before beginning your reading.

During my readings, I will mainly use the cards in conjunction with my natural abilities and guide. For each question or situation, I will pull a number of cards, which can then trigger my natural psychic abilities, and from these two sources, I can pass on the guidance and insight to you. Depending on the cards that have been drawn, I may also spend some time explaining the significance and meaning of the card as well. I can use a variety of different types of cards, however I can also use my pendulum and crystal ball. 


For more information visit: www.TJayPsychic.com 


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