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My Services

My Services

Skills and methods

I have been a soulgrower - http://www.superblessedandloved.org/blog/soulgrower/ - for many years. When challenges arise, we cannot immediately see the promise of the GIFT it is sure to provide. This is where I feel honored to hop on alongside your life journey and together we gently navigate through it with the utmost care and love.

My approach

My feedback from you is what feeds my soul and I am superblessed with gratitude for the compliment that my voice is very soothing. With that said, I am also straightforward and inspiration comes from my own life experience.


Guidance, especially by using my angel cards as a tool to find your answers - which is always inside of you - for your challenges which turns into a GIFT for life.

My background

I believe that everybody enters our life journey for a reason and here is the perfect example: More than 10 years ago, my very good friend introduced me to her Angel Cards. Whenever I visited her, complaining about my 'difficult' journey I was experiencing, she would bring out her cards and ask me to pick one from the pack. Every single time it had insight and answers into what was happening in my life at the time! I do believe that if it was anyone else, I would definitely not have been convinced to even look at it, but I am eternally grateful that she persisted. So, on my birthday about ten years ago, my husband and I were in Knysna and we were in another friend’s shop. It was at this lovely shop that he bought me my own deck of Angel Cards as a gift… and I have been superblessed ever since (9 years) by being the ‘Gift’…


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