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lisa lee

lisa lee


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My background

i am a will know and respected psychic reader.   well know on raido and tv am descended from a long line of psychic,and inherited my gift from my grandmother who died one month brfore i was born she help me in my readings, and my guide in the sprit world. i have been giveing advive  to the brokenheared   and the lost ond lonely for about 16 years . i am empathic and can trun into your path  this enable me to give you the best advie to help you to re-unite with your love ones.

in order to speed your reading you may want to have questons ready. also birth signs or birthdays of all people involed in you questions, i do not use astrology but i use tarot careds they need significator to work on your reading around the certain tarrot cards which are connedted to cetain birth signs,and
this helps my cards to tune onto your situation and give an accurate readin

allow me to help you find answers and insight with my psychic gift. i sprecializa in live chat and email readings i can read for you regarding any topic and you can be assured that you will be treated with the utmost respect  and professionalism


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