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I connect direct, instantly or almost instantly. I do it with energy, feelings, visuals and sometimes also hearing as well as sensing. I do not use tools, though I do not have a problem if others do. I once did too. If I am on, I am in tune and ready to connect for you.
I get solutions to your problems, a way forward, beyond simply predictions. No doom and gloom. Sometimes it's very intense and direct but it's never demeaning or abusive.
I cater the reading to you, the individual, we are all different, just as our fingerprints. No two readings are alike.
Come, say hello, give me your name, dob and your question. What happens next is a stream of information. It is concise, to the point and clear. Follow up questions are always welcome, but added details are not a requirement. Feel free to share but no need to tell me anything.
A clear path towards your desires
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If you can see yourself and hear your own voice, then your camera and microphone are configured for video call correctly.
If you can hear your own voice, then your microphone is configured for voice call correctly.
If you can see yourself and hear your own voice, then your camera and microphone are configured for video call correctly.