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About My Services

I am here to help settle your nerves and bring you answers and guidance that can help you move forward and let go of the past and give you hope for the future. I have been working with my guides to bring answers and guidance for a number of years now ... often called on to give simple yes no answers as well as in depth discussion on different topics. I feel I saw my guides from a young age I had silly fear of my door way at night, I now know it is because I had a subconscious memory of seeing my guides and others standing there wanting to communicate with me. Unfortunately as my gifts were not nurtured they manifested into anxieties, mainly as I was picking up on spirits need to communicate and other peoples fears and concerns. As I opened up more and became less afraid of what I may see the anxiety disappeared and the chitter chatter of spirit opened up this where the fun began. Many people I have worked with have experienced the same, more and more people are opening up and I love seeing the change in people as they learn to trust their guts and hear their own guides. That being said sometimes its a challenge to get a clear picture of what is coming for you and whats just a wish and desire, let me help work out what the difference is. I can work with cards and simple what I 'see' and sense giving many avenues for spirit to get their message across. I also LOVE working with people to improve themselves having done so myself, do you want to open up more and hear whats going on?? 

Experience & Qualifications

Personal Experience and Spiritual Development Classes at All By Julie in Melbourne.



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