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16 sessions since 2016




My background

Hi I’m stephanie I am powerful and natural born Psychic and Advsior contact me with and open mind and heart and we can bring happiness and Positivity back into your life I have over 10 years of experience, in my field I connect with my clients on a different level. I am a professional psychic counselor, empath Tarot Reader & palm reader.

Specializing in

Love&Relationship Breakups&Divorce Career&Work Infidlity PastLifes


Tarot cards Clairvoyant Relationship Healer Spirtual Healer and Guide Spirtual Channeling Crystal Energy Psychic Readings Crystal Ball Palm Reading Auras Reiki Healing Chakra Blanceing Soulmate Love Reading Reuniting lovers & Lost Souls

I can help reunite, find love & seach for that soulmate connection if your having prolems conntecing to love I can bring you the clarity you need

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