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Sister Shanti👁

Sister Shanti👁





5034 sessions

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My Services

My Services

Skills and methods

✨️I do not use any tools; I work with ENERGY ONLY! I can see auras, tap into how one's feeling and thinking, check the future and past timelines (Including past lives, as well), and channel messages from your Angels and Spirit guides.

💎There are no coincidences! If you are reading this, it means I can help you with the accurate answer you are desperately looking for!


My approach

✨️ONLY TRUTH, NO FALSE HOPE! With empathy and compassion, I'm here to serve you with truthful answers and accurate guidance. After our session, you'll feel uplifted, calm at heart and clear about your next steps.

💎I'm looking forward to connecting with you so you can ask all the questions that you may have!


Love Reading
Relationship Reading
Soulmate Reading
TwinFlame Reading
Marriage Reading
Divorce Reading
Family Reading
Financial Reading
Career Reading
Business Reading
Past Lives Reading
Psychic Reading
Aura Reading
Life Coaching
Love & Relationship Coaching
Family & Friends Coaching
Financial & Career Coaching
Spiritual Coaching
Family Constellation Therapy
Thetahealing Session
Apometry Session
Channeling Session
Angels & Spirit Guides
Highest Guidance 
Dream Interpretation
Spiritual cleansing
Energy Healing
Energetic Divorce

My background

✨️Hello and Welcome! I’m an Accurate Psychic and Energy Healer from Brazil. With over five years of offering guidance and 10k sessions with clients worldwide, I have vast experience. I'm a certified Therapist in Family Constellations, Thetahealing, and Apometry.

💎Let's dive deep into healing, love, and manifestation. I believe we have the power of choice, and we can be the Cycle Breaker of our lineage by healing the blocks and patterns that keep us stuck. You deserve a fulfilling love and thriving life, and I’m here to help you make it happen!


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