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154 sessions since 2021




Reading Categories

Love & RelationshipLove & Relationship
Tarot ReadersTarot Readers
Spiritual ReadingsSpiritual Readings
Skills and methods

I use my psychic ability, energy of your name & numerology to analyze personality. I use very ancient method to give accurate reading & modern method to give guidance for problems. I have ability to see unseen things & can see in future. I have helped many people when they are stuck in life. I can heal you through my communication power & words. I put smile on people’s face & happiness in their life. I can tell you about your emotional, mental & physical energy. I can guide you how to come out of the problems easily & give you peace of mind. I can see unseen situation & hear unheard voices.

My approach

I can guide you through my accurate reading. I heal people through my words. I guide how to reach your dreams and desire also how to deal with uncleared emotions. I also use very ancient and accurate method for prediction like Cowrie Prediction and Rice Prediction to give more clarity in life.


Love and Relationship

Career Guidance

Health Guidance

Life questions



Pendulum Dowsing

Cowrie Prediction

Rice Prediction

My background

Hi, I am a television Tarot reader who has been practicing for 20+ years before I became a full time Tarot reader I was a successful leader of the corporate world having worked at DLF, Siemens, Bisleri & Zee TV.

Since 20 years I am practicing Tarot reading, I am also a Crystal healer, Numerologist, Osho card reader, Lenormand card reader, Angel card reader and I also predict with Pendulum, Coin, Rice & Cowrie. 

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